Republic positions in New Mexico state

At The Federal Level

Needed for state to be considered reseated at the federal level:

Interim Governor (1) – usual duties, except during martial law the governor is in charge of the state, works directly with military to get things done.  Works towards getting all other free State interim positions filled. FILLED

Interim House Representative (1) – constitutional rep for that state at the federal level, votes on national issues. FILLED

Interim Senator (2) – appointed by the state assemblies, representing the states in the Senate (where the funding comes from). FILLED

Interim Chief Justice (3) – overseeing the grand juries in the state, working with county justices, works in biblical/common law. FILLED

Interim State Clerk (Secretary of State) – responsible for running the elections in the state, coordinating with county clerks. FILLED

The State Assembly – however the state wants to run this, typically a member from each of the counties to make state-wide laws
Other positions as needed (Treasurer, etc.) in your constitution.

At The County Level

Need to consider at the county level (check your state constitution):

County Clerk – runs the election in the county

County Justice – hears local cases in biblical/common law, provides people for grand juries when requested by Chief Justice of the state

County Assembly (which is The People) – everyone belongs to this one and must participate.  Two delegates from each county will attend a free State Constitutional Convention when convened by the Interim free State Governor.  Note:  the County Assembly is not interim; it is We the People.

County Sheriff – highest law enforcement position (elected position)